Rich Bracken

Rich Bracken is a global keynote speaker and emotional intelligence expert as well an in demand Emcee. Rich educates on the importance of emotional intelligence and how to increase your EQ . Research shows that people with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience. Higher EQ skills are crucial and contribute to better relationships, productivity, profitability, well-being at work and so much more.

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Minneapolis, MN, USA

Speaker Fee:

Fee info*The fee ranges indicated on this page are provided as a guide. Please keep in mind that if a speaker's price is indicated as a range, such as $20,000 - $30,000, it means that their charge is usually within that range. The fees charged for speakers are subject to revision. Fees may fluctuate according to a variety of circumstances, including the speaker's availability, scarcity, the length of the speech, customisation and the location of the event. Please reach out to us with the specifics of your event and requirements, and we will gladly supply you with a quotation.

$10,000 - $20,000

Keynote Speaker Videos

About Keynote Speaker

For over twenty years, Rich Bracken has been researching how businesses of all sizes and their teams rise and fall with various styles of leadership and employee engagement. Combining his findings from external consulting and internal analysis with notable companies and corporations, he is an energetic and vocal advocate for an impactful style of business navigation that leverages the power of emotional intelligence, empathy, and mental awareness.

Combining his experience as an award-winning salesperson, marketer, and client service expert with his passion for speaking, consulting, and coaching, he brings a unique and refreshing blend of empathy and positivity that resonates with professionals from every level and background.

Rich’s path to today has been crafted from being raised in a family of entrepreneurs and innovators, to working alongside dynamic leaders in some of the most powerful industries including healthcare, law, and financial services. His ability to blend knowledge with compassion and results with care allows him to deliver a message that creates sustainable change to the bottom line as well as engagement and well-being of an organization.
His natural flare for entertainment as a media personality, national touring DJ, and former event planner allows him to bring a different level of entertainment to his content. Combined with his passion for servant leadership and competitive drive as a former college football player, you are hard pressed to find someone who prioritizes his clients’ happiness, growth, and success as much as he genuinely does.
Currently, he is an internationally acclaimed thought leader, television and media contributor, consultant, and keynote speaker on emotional intelligence, leadership, motivation, and business differentiation through client experience and branding.

He focuses his content, thought leadership, and insights through data and research to provide easily understandable change concepts and immediately applicable tactics to start the process of sustainable change for individuals and organizations. Additionally, Rich has been honored to serve as a Professor of Leadership and has created countless educational and training videos for companies to use for internal leadership development curriculum.
In addition to speaking and content creation, Rich is also the founder of RB Consulting, a performance improvement firm focused on coaching and consulting top business leaders, organizations, and celebrities on such initiatives as goal-achievement, personal branding, and presentation effectiveness as a public speaker.

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Keynote Speaker Topics

Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Daily Success

Whether or not you realize it, your emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a critical role in your everyday life. From the moment you wake up until the moment you close your eyes at night, your EQ helps you make decisions that can make or break your day. While nearly 75% of people think they have a strong EQ, only about 15% actually do.

In this energetic and entertaining presentation, Rich will dive into the core elements of emotional intelligence and how you can leverage them for personal and professional happiness. Through this discovery, he will arm you with the awareness of your EQ to help you succeed and grow every single day.

Key Takeaways:
Learn the fundamental elements of emotional intelligence (EQ).
Discover how to identify your EQ strengths & weaknesses.
Identify strategies for managing your triggers.
Learn the professional & personal benefits of EQ.
Understand the impactful (and fun) changes you can make to improve your EQ.

Tune In (an edutainment keynote)

Part keynote, part dance party, this presentation will entertain and empower your audience to understand their own emotional intelligence and how it impacts them every single day. Merging his experience in studying emotional intelligence with his two decades of being a national touring DJ, Rich brings an experience like no other to your event.

Combining live DJing and powerful takeaways, your audience will be dancing and singing while raising their own emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence has proven to be one of the most critical habits to have for personal and professional success and happiness. It is a daily dance with yourself to manage your emotions and engage with others.

The most effective way to enhance your EQ is to engage in regular habits that strengthen the communication between the rational mind and the emotional mind. However, with only 15% of people actually having higher levels of emotional intelligence, most are not tuned in to themselves and need to turn up the volume.

Key Takeaways:

• Establish a fundamental understanding of emotional intelligence.

• Learn the professional & personal benefits of EQ

• Identify strategies for managing your triggers

• Create a sustainable strategy for enhancing your emotional intelligence daily
Transformative Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence

While most “leaders” will hang their hats on accolades, success metrics, knowledge, and experience, they are often missing a key element that can transform a high-performing team into an unstoppable juggernaut.

Emotional intelligence has risen to the top of necessary leadership skill competencies and provides nearly 60% of an individual’s actual performance. With 90% of top performers exhibiting high levels of emotional intelligence, executives and companies can ill-afford to not have this as a critical focus of their entire organization.

In this action-packed presentation, leaders of all levels will learn how the core fundamentals of emotional intelligence can increase their impact to their company, how to improve situational awareness, and ways that emotional intelligence can level up the effectiveness of their teams and themselves.

Key Takeaways:
Establish a fundamental understanding of emotional intelligence.
Learn how anyone can improve their leadership skills through emotional intelligence.
Enhance your team/organization’s engagement, communication, and productivity.
Discover how to prevent burnout as a leader and take back control of your happiness, impact, and success.
Become Unstoppable at Sales
*This presentation can be customized for any audience or industry
Achieving our goals is a remarkable feeling. The hard work that you put in has made you successful, but what does it take to continue to separate yourself from the competition?
Let’s face it, sales is an incredibly demanding field. Between managing your pipeline, keeping clients happy, and chasing quotas, there is an incredible pressure on your emotions and focus as you try to navigate the roller coaster of a given day.
That’s where emotional intelligence comes in.
Research shows that over 58% of your performance as a salesperson is directly related to your emotional intelligence and over 90% of top performers have a high emotional intelligence.
When salespeople leverage the power of emotional intelligence, it provides them with the ability to engage buyers in a more empathetic, amicable, and positive manner, which improves relationships and sales rather than creating tension or misunderstanding.
As an emotional intelligence expert and award-winning salesperson and sales coach, I have seen this raise the success and happiness levels of those I’ve consulted, as well as my own.
In this presentation, you and your team will learn the critical elements of emotional intelligence and how to increase your EQ and balance your energy more efficiently.
The result? You’ll provide better client service, close more sales, and stay resilient when things get tough.
This keynote is loaded with takeaways that you can implement right away, lessons from some icons in business, sports, and entertainment, and comedic stories of sales encounters that you will nod your head along to.

How to Leverage Impostor Syndrome for Success

Impostor syndrome is a momentum and confidence killer. It’s that feeling that we are not worthy of what we achieve or that we might not be qualified enough for certain recognition.
In certain scenarios, it will prevent you from event attempting to start a new project, goal, or achievement due to overwhelming self-doubt.

If you’ve suffered from this, you’re not alone. Studies show that nearly 75% of Americans have been halted by impostor syndrome at some point in their life.

But what if you could use the problems caused by impostor syndrome to your advantage? In this presentation, Rich provides psychological insights, scenario examples, and actionable strategies to create impactful change so you can turn this horrible status into your advantage personally and professionally.

Key Takeaways:
Understand what impostor syndrome is and the psychological impact of it.
Explore how impostor syndrome affects performance and mental health daily.
Discover your personal vulnerabilities that create impostor syndrome.
Learn key strategies for pivoting the impact of impostor syndrome to create personal and professional success.

"I have worked with many professionals throughout my journey, but Rich was amazing to work with. His work ethic is pristine, and he is easily adjustable to any given situation. He was an amazing keynote speaker and his energy is unmatched. Thank you, Rich it was a pleasure to work with your team!”

Crystal Shipps, Senior Meeting Manager, Meeting Professionals International